T-shirt blue CLEAN OCEANS back

€45,00 EUR
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Unser Blick auf die Dinge


Protecting our planet

The quality of our existence is eventually tied to our earth and its resources. The threat of increasingly scarce resources and the pollution of the world's oceans encourage us to rethink the use of materials. In order to leave a livable planet to coming generations, we need to act now. To have a positive impact we use natural or recycled resources. With the help of many local volunteers and our partners, we are protecting our planet from plastic pollution.


Give plastic waste a second life

As in Hawaiian thinking, all things have more than one life. Therefore, it is our special concern not to use new plastic for production, but to give plastic waste, which in normal circumstances would be thrown away or would end up in nature, a second chance.


Close the loop

A closed value chain isn't reality or standard in the world right now. We are working every day to make that reality ours. Our products are designed to stay with you forever. But if you ever change your mind or your product breaks, we will gladly take it back in exchange for a voucher. In this way, we ensure that our products never end up as trash in the ocean or in nature again.


Reduce packaging waste

Our products are shipped with as little packaging waste as possible. Thus, we have already been able to eliminate plastic for our smaller products, such as apparel, backpacks and bike bags. For our larger products, we have not yet found a suitable alternative to plastic. However, we are already working on finding an alternative.


Short and CO2 saving transport routes

We do not want to create unnecessary CO2 emissions through our production or transport, so we try to source the resources from regions close to the production site. For this purpose, it goes from the production directly to us, where it is then sent to you. It is only sent by water or by air in extremely urgent cases. Instead, we usually use the new rail route from China to Germany.


Organische Baumwolle

Unsere T-Shirts sind aus 100 % Bio-Baumwolle. Mit Bio-Baumwolle reduzieren wir unsere Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt vom ersten Produktionsschritt eines T-Shirts an. Im Gegensatz zu konventioneller Baumwolle hat Bio-Baumwolle 20% weniger Nährstoffeintrag in den Boden, 70% weniger Einfluss auf die Bodenversauerung, 91% weniger Wasserverbrauch, 46% weniger CO2-Emissionen und 62% weniger Energieverbrauch.

Plastik in den Ozeanen

Drei Viertel des Meeresmülls besteht aus Plastik, wobei jedes Jahr 4,8 bis 12,7 Millionen Tonnen Plastik in die Ozeane gelangen. Dieses Plastik ist ein ständig wachsendes Problem und tötet jedes Jahr Zehntausende von Tieren.



Dank der Hilfe von Plastic Free Planet entfernen und recyceln wir Plastik aus dem Meer.


Als Mitglied der IGSM unterstützen wir das Flusssurfen in München.



Water.org hilft uns, den Menschen Zugang zu sicherem Wasser und sanitären Einrichtungen zu verschaffen.


Dank Sustainable Coastline Hawai'i halten wir die Strände frei von Plastik und regen ein besseres Verbraucherverhalten in der Welt an.
